How can I avoid limescale in my pipes?
Our solutions prevent limescale from adhering to the surfaces of your pipes. Install our technology on your water network to facilitate maintenance.
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Based in Normandy, LM Innovation is constantly evolving. Since 2011, it has been extending its ambitions beyond its home territory. New employees, past and future events, success stories, discoveries and new products... Discover the latest news from LM Innovation.
Our solutions prevent limescale from adhering to the surfaces of your pipes. Install our technology on your water network to facilitate maintenance.
Improve your water quality with La Dauphine. Discover innovative technology that benefits you and your home.
Reduce the use of chlorine in your pool over the long term with La Dauphine. Enjoy swimming in water that's gentler on your skin.
Take natural action on the iron in your well or borehole water with LM Innovation systems.
Would you like to water your plants less without losing them? Discover La Dauphine, a technology with both economical and natural benefits.
Purify your tap water with LM Innovation's La Dauphine for softened, better-tasting water.
Combine the efficiency and quality of LM water with the techniques available to reduce your water consumption. Discover the solutions available to you.
How can you reduce limescale in your water and limit its effects on skin and hair? Discover La Dauphine, a natural solution with multiple benefits.
Well water can be filtered in many different ways. Find out more about these methods and how our technology complements them to produce high-quality water.
Find out how to get rid of limescale on your shower enclosure. Choose La Dauphine to fight limescale every day.
To limit the risks of mildew development, it's essential to be proactive. Find out how to prevent it and treat it effectively.
A real scourge in the home, limescale scales everything it touches. Discover La Dauphine, a technology capable of reducing its effects over the long term.
Before use, rainwater undergoes a number of filtration stages. Find out how to improve the quality of rainwater for your business.